After School Snacks
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After School Snacks That Satisfy Hungry Kids at Home

Written by The Chomps Crew on August 15, 2024


Every parent knows the struggle of making after school snacks for their children. Just like lunch, there are so many options to choose from … but you’re not sure which is the healthiest. Or, you can prepare healthy after school snacks for your kiddos, but that is time consuming and tedious.

We understand that finding healthy and easy after school snacks can feel overwhelming, but with a bit of patience and preparation, snack time can be a breeze.

Consider this blog post a cheat sheet the next time you get stumped about what after school snacks for kids you should give!

after school snacks

How to make snack time healthy

Whether you’re making after school snacks from scratch or purchasing packaged goodies from the store, one thing is for certain–some leave children feeling cranky and lethargic while others fuel them for playtime, homework, and more.

Let’s Eat Healthy has a helpful blog post on how to make snack time healthier, and here are a few after school snack ideas to keep in mind:

Use minimally processed foods

Fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy, and nuts promote growth and development in your child’s body. Packaged treats like chips and cookies can negatively affect that process, so steer clear of these as after school snacks for kids.

Combine from two food groups

When kids aren’t bored at snack time, they tend to feel more satisfied. One way to keep snack time exciting is to combine food groups. Try making healthy after school snacks like veggies with hummus, or a Chomps beef stick and string cheese.

Include kids in grocery shopping

Children are more likely to complain about after school snacks when they don’t understand the work that goes behind it. Parents may be surprised by how enthusiastic kids can be about grocery shopping! Engaging with kiddos on this tedious chore makes them feel like their opinion is heard and they’ll enjoy helping pick out snacks.

Be a role model

It’s challenging for kids to eat healthy after school snacks when their parents don’t set a good example. That’s why it’s key for parents to model healthy snack habits for children. Plus, when parents eat a few healthy after school snacks right alongside children, they reap the benefits as well!

13 healthy after school snack ideas

Now that we’ve laid the ground rules for after school snack time, let’s zero in on a few go-to healthy after school snack ideas! We’ve got you covered.

after school snacks for kids


Yep, these mini-sized but tasty Chomps sticks are  easy after school snacks for even the pickiest of eaters! With just 40 calories and 4 grams of protein, Chomplings are fuel for everything from science homework time to play time with friends. And no added sugar!

One online reviewer said, “My kids love these little Chomplings! I love that they don’t steal my full size Chomps anymore.”

As healthy after school snacks, Chomplings are available in Original Beef, Original Turkey, and Italian Style Beef. Get them all in variety packs, too.


after school snack ideas

Pretzels and cheese

The saltiness of pretzels paired with the creaminess of cheese makes for some heavenly after school snacks for kids! We love Mini Babybel products for a grab-n-go option. The best part is that this pairing fits easily in a bookbag or lunchbox!


healthy after school snack ideas

Carrots and hummus dip

Carrots are a great source of fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. When it comes to easy after school snacks, they provide a satisfying crunch and juiciness! When carrots are dipped into hummus, which is chickpea-based, a stellar after school snack is born.

Yogurt with fruit topping

As one of our favorite after school snack ideas, plain Greek yogurt is lower in lactose than many of its counterparts. Plus, the probiotics found in Greek yogurt help break down lactose sugar, which aids in digestion. 

Fill a small tupperware container of greek yogurt and top with your child’s favorite sliced fruit, like banana, strawberry, or blueberry, and voila! You’ve got after school snacks for kids they won’t say no to.

While Greek yogurt is lactose friendly, for children with extreme lactose sensitivity, there are alternatives like coconut yogurt to swap.

Applesauce and crackers

Few things say after school memories like a single serving container of applesauce! And if it includes cinnamon, few after school snack ideas can compare to the tastiness.

Get no sugar added applesauce to avoid the sugar high and subsequent crash. You can also include a few whole wheat crackers on the side, which will keep children full until dinner.

Cottage cheese and pineapple

Some children may be leery of trying cottage cheese for the first time. However, once kids have a chance to taste this delicious dairy food, it could become one of their favorite after school snacks! Surprisingly, the sweetness of pineapple pairs well with the creamy quality of cottage cheese.

Bell peppers and guacamole

For kiddos who are a little more adventurous with food, bell peppers with guacamole is a great choice among after school snack ideas! Bell peppers are rich in vitamin C, which makes them a healthy choice, and their fun red, yellow, and green colors can be appealing to kids.

Guacamole is avocado-based and often incorporates healthy veggies like onions and peppers, as well as cilantro.

Trail mix

Create a custom trail mix with nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and a few dark chocolate chips for a hint of sweetness. This portable snack is perfect for busy afternoons and provides a quick energy boost. 

Trail mix is an excellent choice for healthy after school snacks. They offer a mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates to keep your kids satisfied through later in the day.

Veggie roll-ups

Use whole grain tortillas to wrap up a variety of colorful veggies like bell peppers, cucumbers, and carrots, along with a spread of hummus or cream cheese. Roll-ups are fun to eat and packed with nutrients which make them great as healthy after school snacks.

Veggie roll-ups are also easy to prepare and can be customized with your child’s favorite vegetables to ensure they have something tasty to eat.

Hard-boiled eggs

Talk about easy and protein-rich after school snacks! Prepare a batch at the beginning of the week and store them in the fridge for a quick grab-and-go option.  

Hard-boiled eggs provide essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals to make them one of the best healthy after school snacks for kids. They’re also versatile and can be enjoyed on their own or paired with other snacks.

The bottom line on healthy after school snacks

Providing your children with healthy snacks and meals doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. These options ensure you keep your kids energized and ready for homework or playtime. 

Looking for additional healthy after-school snacks? Discover a variety of dye-free snack options that are both nutritious and delicious.

Take the stress out of prep with these simple, healthy after school snack ideas! Portable, easy to prepare, and oh-so-tasty.

👇 Featured Product 💪

Original Beef
Snack Sticks
1.15 oz

Original Beef

10 or 24 Pack


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