Chompian of the Month: Colleen Mallon

Chompian of the Month: Colleen Mallon

Written by The Chomps Crew on July 18, 2023



For our Chompian of the Month, we have the ever positive and inspiring Colleen Mallon! Colleen is the mother of Haley Clements, a previous Chompian of the Month herself and employee, so the Chompian spirit must run in the family. Colleen is a true Chomps brand advocate, a consistent cheerleader for her family, and a positive force for everyone who interacts with her. Meet Colleen!


Can you tell us about yourself - what you do, a bit about your story, etc.?

I am a wife, mother of three beautiful daughters, grandmother (CeCe), sister & friend. I am the youngest of 11 children! In my free time, I enjoy playing golf with my husband, participating in my monthly book club and going on walks with my granddaughter Mia. 

What’s your best tip on how to stay positive?

Always find the good in every day regardless of the ups and downs that the day may bring! By doing this, I am able to set a positive tone for my family. 

Colleen Mallon
A Chomps advocate: Colleen volunteered at one of our Chomps demos at her local Costco!


What’s your workout routine?

I attend club pilates every morning! I also enjoy playing golf and walking with my friends. 

How do you consider yourself a “game changer?” 

The way I’m a game changer is being a cheerleader for my family in the happy and hard times. Two of my daughters have had major surgeries early on in their lives and during those challenging times, I poured my energy into being a bright light for my family. Sometimes it was me doing silly cheers in the hospital room and other times it was a phone call to remind them to have the best day! 

What’s the best thing you do for your personal health?

Every night I make a tangible to-do list. It allows me to focus on what I need to accomplish each day.  Also, I try to eat healthy when I can.  If I find myself feeling a little sluggish, I try to double my efforts to get back to feeling energized. Extra Pilates classes, longer walks etc. 

What is your favorite Chomps product?

Jalapeño is my favorite stick but the new taco flavor is a close second!

How does Chomps fuel your lifestyle?

Chomps gives me the protein and midday energy boost whether I am on the golf course or on the road!

👇 Featured Product 💪

Original Beef
Snack Sticks
1.15 oz

Original Beef

10 or 24 Pack


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