Chompian of the Month: Haley Clements

Chompian of the Month: Haley Clements

Written by The Chomps Crew on October 17, 2022


For the month of October and for the first time ever, we're highlighting one of our own employees as our Chompian of the Month. Haley Clements, our Sales Operations and Category Manager here at Chomps, always goes above and beyond in not only her work here at Chomps but outside (literally!) too.

She is a powerhouse when it comes to all things baking, cooking and staying active. She doesn't let anything get in her way, even a heart condition she was born with (which you can learn more about below). Read below to learn more about our inspiring Chompian, Haley. 

Meet Haley!

Chompian: Haley Clements

Can you tell us about yourself - what you do, a bit about your story, etc.?

HI, I'm Haley Clements and I'm the Sales Operations / Category Manager here at Chomps. My passion for healthy food & a healthy life style stem from my childhood where I was born with a congenital heart defect. Because of this, I had 3 open heart surgeries by the time I was in Kindergarten and 5 open heart surgeries by the time I graduated college. It hasn't been easy, but I have an incredible team of doctors who never put limitations on what I can achieve and my family who are my biggest cheerleaders!
My motto has always been, you can only control what you can control. And since I couldn't control this part, I decided to learn how to fuel my body with nourishing foods and constantly live an active lifestyle. This lifestyle has allowed me to play varsity tennis, travel the world, climb mountains, paraglide etc. I also became a speaker for the Saving tiny Hearts Foundation where I have been able to share my story, inspire young kids, and reassure parents throughout difficult times.

Chompian of the Month: Haley Clements

What’s your best tip on how to stay positive?

Celebrate the little things both personally & professionally. Personally, growing up we celebrated everything! A celebration that I have continued on in my adult life is my Heartiversary. This is an annual celebration to commemorate the number of years since my last open heart surgery.
Every year I like to challenge myself and see what my heart & body can do. 1 year after my 5th open heart surgery I ran a half marathon and this year I hiked my first 14er mountain in Colorado. At work, it's the same! We are each others biggest cheerleaders! From small daily wins to landing a new retailer, we celebrate it all!

What’s your workout routine?

Anything outside! I love walking, hiking or biking and try to do one of them every single day.

How do you consider yourself a “game changer?” 

After each surgery it is like hitting a reset button for my body. I cannot open doors, get dressed, lift anything, and funny enough sneezing become the most painful thing. But, after 5 open heart surgeries I'm the strongest I've ever been. I have found that I can do everything I want to do, I just might have to do it the "Haley" way. This might be as simple as taking extra breaks on a hike, or wearing a hocky chest protector on the soccer field.
But, also might be as big as having to quit my summer internship to have emergency surgery or having my mom come to college with me because I was too weak after said surgery. It's not always easy creating your own path but it has allowed me to approach problems / situations from a different perspective and feel confident that I can achieve so much in this lifetime.

What’s the best thing you do for your personal health everyday (mental or physical)?

A 5 mile walk / hike in the mountains. This year we moved to Golden, CO and I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by mountains. This walk has become a mental and physical reset for me. I aim to walk around 5:30am and love the peace and quiet the morning brings.

What is your favorite Chomps product?

Its tough to chose a favorite but I think Jalapeño Beef.

How does Chomps fuel your lifestyle?

Chomps fuels my outdoor lifestyle in a big way! Any hike, bike ride, or camping trip you can always find 1 or 10 Chomps in my backpack. They are the perfect snack for me and my husband and keep us full during our outdoor adventures.

To learn more about Haley beyond this, watch her on our podcast, Chompcast, below: 

👇 Featured Product 💪

Original Beef
Snack Sticks
1.15 oz

Original Beef

10 or 24 Pack


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