Chompian of the Month: Paige Fowler

Chompian of the Month: Paige Fowler

Written by Rachel Winnall on October 24, 2023


For our Chompian of the Month, we have Paige Fowler, an extraordinary mom of 4 and a partner to the brand, as a top Chomps Ambassador! Read more below about Paige, and her family's favorite snacks. 

Can you tell us about yourself - what you do, a bit about your story, etc.?

Hi! I'm a former health magazine reporter turned stay-at-home-mom to four awesome kids, ages 2 through 8. We love spending lots of time outside hiking and exploring as a family and when we're home we're often cooking delicious food, baking treats, working on a puzzle, reading books, and hanging out together!

What’s your best tip on how to stay positive?

I feel really grateful for our life and our family. I think a general sense of gratitude leads to an overall positive outlook on life!


What’s your workout routine?

I love hiking outside with our family as much as possible! I also try to do an at-home yoga practice a few days each week using the Downdog app!

How do you consider yourself a “game changer?”

I think finding the joy in day-to-day life with kids might seem game-changing to some. For a long time there's been a lot of negativity around being a mom, so seeing how a mom can enjoy being with her kids offers a different perspective. How much I love being a mom has been the biggest and best surprise of my life.

What’s the best thing you do for your personal health?

I wake up early every morning and read for about 45 minutes in a quiet house with a warm cup of coffee. It's my favorite way to start the day doing something just for me that's grounding and relaxing before diving into our busy days!

What is your favorite Chomps product?

We LOVE the Turkey Chomplings! We go through so many!

How does Chomps fuel your lifestyle?

I always have Chomps on me -- in my backpack, in my car, and in our pantry. It's my favorite snack to offer the kids when they're hungry because it's packed with protein and doesn't have any sugar. We have two kids in school and I always send a chompling with their snack for some energy and protein.

👇 Featured Product 💪

Original Beef
Snack Sticks
1.15 oz

Original Beef

10 or 24 Pack


Only available