We're excited to feature Thomas Silvera and Ondina Hawthorn-Silvera as our May Chompians of the month! This husband and wife team are incredible game changers in the food allergy community who started a not-for-profit organization after the tragic passing of their son, Elijah-Alavi. Soon after, they launched the Elijah-Alavi Foundation - advocating and working on legislations state by state to establish guidelines protecting and mandating childcare facilities to follow food allergy preparedness plans in the event of emergencies. They passed a historical piece of legislation in NYS, the very first of it kind and are in the process on passing a law in Illinois and Pennsylvania. These bills will put policies in place to save and protect children who are the most vulnerable to food allergies.
To us, Thomas and Ondina are true Chompians and we're honored to highlight their story.
What’s your best tip on how to stay positive?
Sometimes you just have to stop and watch the beauty in everything even though there is pain and sorrow.
What’s your workout routine?
My wife Dina created a routine that we do every morning. It's a 12 min routine that incorporates mind body and spiritual wellness. This routine is something we do every morning as a family.
How do you consider yourself a “game changer?” This is 100% open to your interpretation!
My wife mentioned to me at one point when I felt discouraged. She said, "Change is a challenge but a challenge is need for change." From that moment I knew I had to do something about advocating for so many young children who suffer with food allergies and asthma. My wife and I started advocating more and working on legislations state by state so we can establish guidelines to protect and mandate childcare facilities to follow food allergies preparedness plans in the event of emergencies. We have passed a historical piece of legislation in NYS the very first of it kind and we are in the process on passing a law in Illinois and Pennsylvania. We are also in talks with other states to have Elijah's Law in their hometown. These bills will put policies in place to save and protect children who are the most vulnerable to food allergies.
What’s the best thing you do for your personal health everyday (mental or physical)?
Every morning for our mental health, we take time to meditate, utilize positive affirmation to help shift any negative energy. We also take walks (weather permitting) and talk with each other about our day.
What is your favorite Chomps product?
How does Chomps fuel your lifestyle?
My wife and son are vegan but I love to dabble in some Chomps products from time to time. When I am either on the road or in the process of studying or working late and I want that quick snack, I grab a Chomps Original Turkey. It satisfies those cravings and fuels me to keep going.