Low-Carb Foods That Will Keep You Satiated and Satisfied
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Low-Carb Foods That Will Keep You Satiated and Satisfied

Written by Markita Lewis, MS, RD on September 01, 2023


Low-carb diets are very popular not only for weight loss but for other health benefits as well. Eating a lower carb diet can support healthy blood sugar levels and be protective against some metabolic conditions. 

A big concern for some when switching to a low-carb diet is whether they will be hungry all of the time because they’ve given up some of the carbs that they are used to. Fortunately, with some planning and by diversifying the foods that you eat, you can easily have a low-carb diet filled with foods that are satiating and satisfying to eat.

What are Low Carb Foods?

A low carbohydrate diet is defined as a diet that contains fewer than 130g of carbohydrates per day from combined foods and beverages. Trying to define what a low-carb food is can be a little trickier. While there is no official definition of a “low carb food,” many consider foods that have fewer than 15g of carbohydrates per serving to be low in carbs, especially when considering a food’s fiber intake.

Some individuals like to calculate “net carbs,” which is a calculation that subtracts the grams of fiber and sugar alcohols in a food from its total carbohydrate content. The rationale behind this thought is that because we cannot process and use these types of carbohydrates like other sugars and carbohydrates that we consume, they don’t “count.”

Many foods from the different food groups can be considered to be low-carb, especially some foods that are minimally processed and whole.

Low Carb Food List

If you’re looking for low-carb foods that fill you up, look no further. These low-carb foods are filled with satiating nutrients like healthy fats, protein, and fiber, and can be used creatively in a variety of dishes.


Mushrooms are a source of umami and increase the savory flavor of a dish. Not only can umami help increase your satisfaction with a meal, but it can also help you stay full for longer. Mushrooms are low in calories and overall carbohydrates, but add fiber, B vitamins, and even vitamin D if the mushroom were exposed to UV light.

Mushrooms are great to add savory flavor to plant-based meals and can elevate dishes from stir-fries, salads, soups, pasta dishes, and more.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a great choice for people who may enjoy a yogurt that isn’t too tart and is extremely versatile. From full-fat to non-fat Greek yogurt, it is a nutritious choice that contains high-quality protein, probiotics, calcium, and other beneficial nutrients.

To better control your carb intake, choose plain Greek yogurt, as flavored yogurts can contain high amounts of added sugar. Instead, add toppings like fresh fruit or seeds like chia or hemp to add fiber and healthy fats without the empty calories. Greek yogurt can also be a useful ingredient in smoothies, dips, soups, and more.


If you don’t have a peanut allergy, peanuts are a low-carb food that can help you stay satisfied at meals. Peanuts are filling because not only do they contain more protein than any other nut, but they also have nearly 3 grams of fiber per serving and are rich in unsaturated good fats to keep you full. 

Studies have even confirmed that peanuts are filling and help improve people’s feelings of satiety. You can add peanuts to your diet as peanut powder, peanut butter, or whole or crushed peanuts to add a boost of protein and flavor to your meals.

Beef Jerky

Beef jerky is an incredibly satiating food that can keep you satisfied in-between meals. Beef jerky is typically made from lean meat, and in addition to providing lean protein, beef jerky is a source of iron, zinc, and some B vitamins. 

High-quality beef jerky such as Chomps meat sticks are made with grass-fed beef and don’t contain unnecessary ingredients such as added sugars, chemical preservatives, or hidden ingredients. Beef jerky can be an on-the-go snack on its own, or you can feature them in a fun picnic snack tray.


Berries are nutrient-dense fruits that are low in carbohydrates but still bring bright and sweet flavors to the palate. Eating a full cup of berries can be quite filling, especially because berries are typically high in fiber and take longer to eat, allowing your body more time to sense that it is getting full. 

Berries also contribute many beneficial vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrient antioxidants to support a healthy body. These fruits are quite versatile and can be used as a topping for yogurt or hot and cold cereals, as an ingredient in a smoothie, or as a dessert all on their own.


Eggs may seem simple at first glance, but between the egg whites and the yolk, they are very nutrient-dense and contain about 6 grams of protein, all of the fat-soluble vitamins, choline, and many other important vitamins and minerals including vitamin B12, biotin, and phosphorus.

Eggs are incredibly versatile to use throughout the day. Some egg-friendly meals to carry you throughout the day include omelets, scrambled eggs, eggs on toast (with additional toppings), egg salad sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, and Cobb salads.


Gone are the days when broccoli was a disliked vegetable that appeared on your plate. Broccoli, when prepared properly, can be a delicious and satiating vegetable. These little trees have only about 6g of carbohydrates per serving, but contain some fiber and protein, and are an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A. 

Broccoli can be prepared in a number of ways, including blanched, roasted, charred, grilled, sauteed, and more. Add broccoli to pasta dishes, omelets, soups, stir-fries, salads, and as a side dish to your favorite mains.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkins are a food that gives twice – not only are pumpkins nutritious, but their seeds are also incredibly nutrient dense. Per 1-ounce serving, shelled pumpkin seeds have nearly 9g of protein, 14g of mostly unsaturated fats, and only 4g of carbs (1.7 of fiber). They also are excellent sources of manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc.

Roasted pumpkin seeds are delicious in salads, as a garnish for soups, or even as a handy snack (especially when spiced with your favorite seasonings).


Avocado is famously known as a fruit that is quite filling while still containing only about 4 grams of carbohydrates per serving. They are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and contribute various nutrients to the diet including potassium, vitamin E, vitamin B5, and more.

Avocados can be used on toast, in dips like guacamole, in smoothies, on salads, or even in other savory foods like soups to add a smoother texture to a dish.


Seafood is naturally a source of high-quality protein and typically includes other nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids to support healthy functioning and protect against antioxidant damage. If prepared without additional breading, seafood is low-carb and can fit into many meal patterns. For the most omega-3s, choose seafood like salmon, sardines, and oysters. It’s recommended to eat at least 8 ounces of seafood weekly to reap the most health benefits.


Spinach is filling because not only does it contain some fiber, but it is a low-carb food that you can eat at a great volume without having excessive carbs. According to MyPlate the volume needed of raw spinach to count as a vegetable serving is 2 full cups. Add spinach to salads, smoothies, sauces, and more to give your meals a boost of nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, folate, and potassium.

Staying Full With Low Carb Foods

You don’t need a lot of carbohydrates in your foods in order to feel satisfied with what you’re eating. A key to staying full with low-carb foods is to make sure that your foods contain protein and healthy fats to help you stay full for longer. Experimenting with different cooking techniques and flavors can also bring a lot of enjoyment to these low-carb foods. 

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