low carb butternut squash

Easy Low-Carb Butternut Squash Stuffing (Paleo, Keto, & Whole30)

Written by Jenny Chen on December 21, 2018



This Low-Carb Butternut Squash Stuffing is perfect, not only this time of year, but whenever you need a guilt-free comfort food! It’s quick and SO simple to throw together! It makes great leftovers and is perfect for meal prep throughout the week!

Low-Carb Butternut Squash Stuffing



  • 1.5 lb fresh butternut squash, choppeed
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 3 stalks celery, chopped
  • 2 CHOMPS Original Beef sticks, chopped
  • 2 tsp coarse Himalayan pink salt
  • 2 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp ground pepper
  • 1 1/2 tsp ground sage
  • 1 1/2 tsp marjoram
  • 1 1/2 tsp thyme leaves
  • 3 tbsp avocado oil, sub melted butter/ghee/coconut oil



  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
  2. Make sure your butternut squash is chopped bite-sized. The onions and celery should be chopped a bit smaller.
  3. In a large mixing bowl, toss butternut squash, onions, celery, meat sticks, seasonings, and oil until well coated.
  4. Transfer to a lined, wide baking dish. The larger the dish, the quicker it's going to cook and the more it's going to "roast" - because the veggies will be spread out. There isn't a wrong way to cook this. In a smaller, deeper pan, the stuffing will "steam" because the veggies will be touching more. Either way, it's going to be delicious!
  5. Bake for 20 minutes.
  6. Turn the oven up to 500 degrees and bake for another 10-15 minutes until the topped has crisped up slightly.

    Original recipe from: Butter Addict Gone Paleo

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